- HOA News Watch -: The Farce of Community Associations Institute

Monday, April 04, 2005

The Farce of Community Associations Institute

By Willow Dean Vance

It's time to realize, CAI (Community Associations Institute) was created in 1973 with the misuse of taxpayer’s money from HUD & VA, by special interest National Association of Home Builders, NAHB in a fraudulent attempt to preserve their unconstitutional de facto government housing monopoly to enrich bankers, brokers and builders! The five traitors to the American Constitution, who created a monster housing monopoly portrayed on the March 17 X Files, to steal lives and destroy property rights without due process or remorse, were: Lincoln Cummings, John Gunther, May Russell, David Stahl and David P. Rhame...who knew their social housing experiment was such a failure…HUD had a crisis on its hands in unfair housing complaints.

It didn't take long for managers and lawyers to realize CAI offered more gold than the west coast gold strike to line deep pockets with non-judicial foreclosures, that opened the door to a new-mafia racketeering disguised as legal liens, fine-and fees enriching CAI lawyers who made hidden nonprofit-mutual benefit corporations for their own mutual cash benefit, promoted in CAI sponsored seminars, lucrative donations, power trips to out lobby lobbyists and corrupt tax collectors gleefully discriminating against millions of taxpayers to rob HOA residents of unfair property tax.

They will be recorded in American History as the band who stole property rights and opened the door to the destruction of the judicial system, flooded the streets of America with a new band of middle income refugees left homeless, sleeping in their cars, and the first outbreak of murder and suicide by licensed professionals who make the mafia look like a child's game by the most sophisticated, de facto government designed to steal rights and property.

The headline grabbing shoot-out in Gilbert, Arizona 2000, is the climax of this cancer to liberty and freedom of all...a middle aged man half crazed by a corrupt law controlled board who foreclosed on his modest condo, wiped out his entire savings, forced to see his wife live out of his truck; lose a lifetime of hard work and savings retirement dream without hope of recovery in foreclosure. Three dead in the new Tombstone mass murder and two in the hospital fighting bullet wounds from a good citizen, turned into a crazed killer by HOA harassment, fines, fees and finally the 1934 prediction from Civil Servants published in the yearbook called, The Organizer, which warned us "When through a process of law the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law by the central power of the leading financiers..."

Florida hung it's head in shame to see the widow Ann Grove, of Ocala, Florida dragged out of her homeowner association home by Sheriff Dean in handcuffs with a black eye from trying to resist taking her home in non-judicial foreclosure. No one cared that this widow over seventy had not recovered from the death of her husband or the loss of her truck in a car accident that injured her. No one cared her life's belongings were dumped on her lawn for strangers to help themselves as they took her to jail on orders of the Dean law firm. Guilty of being emotionally and physically ill when the dues were collected...the one sin that can imprison you, steal your home, above all others....homeowner association DUES. The words “homeowner association dues” should be illustrated with a skull and cross bones because it is death to people and death to all the name America stands for.

The police should charge CAI and trade interests that keep it alive with murder and theft because their actions push the trigger behind the scenes, driving distraught homeowners brainwashed with fear and hate

Experts could have seen Gilbert, AZ coming by watching Orange County, CA in 1993. Disabled veteran, Al Gray--was singled out, tortured and ridiculed, overcharged illegal monthly fees and denied the right for his 53 year old bride, Mary, to share the clubhouse, pool or any amenity in their HUD financed Seal Beach, CA Senior Retired Housing. HUD officials protected CAI by pretending they could not enforce HUD rules on retirement homes which only require 80% of the seniors housed to be 55 years of age or older. When veteran Al Gray brought his happy bride Mary there, over 99 % of the residents met that requirement, but this disabled heart patient was ordered to pay $20 a month extra because he was lucky enough to have a bride just 53--then was denied the right to let her share in the recreation he paid for with him.

His heart medicine cost so much, his legal bills from the lawsuit ate up the only chance he had to stay alive because he loved his wife too much to watch her be the victim of ugly discrimination. Al died in his Seal Beach bed, waiting for the court to force Seal Beach to honor the HUD rule. The older members were simply jealous - Al had such a vital young wife and she would care and provide for him...lawyers and directors know how to exploit every human emotion to divide and conquer.

Congress should have held HUD responsible for fraud and leading to Al's death...little did Congress realized HUD sold out because HUD officials had too much dirty laundry to air, by allowing the public to know $50,000 of HUD dollars helped set up CAI in 1973. David Rhame, a founder, was a federal employee in Urban Planning and Development and no HUD official wanted to blow the whistle on this freeloading housing scheme of the century...cooked up with special interests.

Check the nightmare of San Juan Capistrano...easy going, Jim Troutman, devoted husband, father, grandfather...gentle state employee who enjoyed baseball, walking in the park, fishing and caring for his neighbors. He was elected to the Board of Directors...discovered a horror story robbery operated by wealthy Marquis Management, who was later sued for fraud, then under CAI Lawyers and trained managers programs, milking the cash cow by holding current payments long enough to add fraudulent-unearned fines and legal fees to escalate the non judicial house stealing game. One lawyer in Santa Ana boasted he foreclosed on 250 homes a month... exposed by the American Resource Center of San Clemente, CA.

Jim discovered a home liened for foreclosure in his HOA actually did not owe any money and later his wife used her auditing experience to prove the family was falsely foreclosed. The angry manager had 300 HOA’s enriching her scheme, misled other frightened directors into thinking he would bankrupt them with lawsuits not protected by D&O policy…so they smeared him in newspapers handed out so vile --his own neighbors fell for the story and made him a villain under such attack that he could not walk out the door. This gentle whistleblower was too honest to see an honest family lose a home the HOA had no right or claim to.

In early September, my hero's haunting message to me said, "I can no longer walk in the park, watch a ball game, go fishing, enjoy my family. Every dime I worked for now goes to lawyers and every day of leave is spent in Santa Ana, CA courtrooms being framed by CAI lawyers...I have nothing to leave the family I love but stacks of fraudulent transcripts...". On the evening of Sept. 17, 1993, I phoned his home to ask him when he and his wife Pat would join me for dinner in San Diego. Pat said “Let me ask Jim..." the sharp, loud bang, piercing my ear through the receiver told me, before Pat's horrified scream... "My God, Jim has shot himself."

An American veteran who could have served with the founding fathers died by his own numb hand, half crazed by the spider web maze CAI created to catch a house-starved public by appealing to ego promoted sales of heated pools, private clubs and green greens. America, the beautiful, fell for the oldest sales pitch in the world...appeal to pride and ego and fear that no one will read the fine print.

And somewhere in Vietnam's steamy jungles or Cambodia...the hurt and haunted soul of Air Force Colonel Frank Armstrong, walks unable to rest because his widow, Vera Armstong Cherry, was a POW/MIA widow seized by four white ambulance men in her own Tustin Home (Rocking Horse Homeowner Association) spring of 1993, while cleaning her carpet and singing away. Blue eyed, blonde, Vera, spoke with a sultry voice and dressed her slim, sexy body in a style that made it plain why handsome Colonel Frank Armstrong married her on duty in Germany and took her home for safe keeping in California's protective housing (?) to go to Vietnam, content she was safe and sound and out of danger. When the AF sent his personal effects to Vera in a box marked, POW/MIA she had nightmares, he was waiting for her to find him. Ross Perot calmed her fears with his efforts through United We Stand and his personal POW/MIA organization effort to locate missing POWS.

Vera survived the Nazi's that invaded her home in Europe during World War Two, forced her parents to hide her with them in the back of a cold storage warehouse, sleeping on cold cement floors when the Nazi soldiers evicted her family in the street to use their home for occupying soldiers. But Vera and her two teenage sons did not survive the kidnapping arranged with help from her HOA to discredit her questions about special assessments and failure to comply with the state mutual benefit corporation statutes that required boards to grant access to all financial records. She was entitled to examine these under state statutes, but the attorney general did not enforce this because his greed was bought off by the cottage industry.

The white-coated men who seized her, chained her hand and foot to the gurney, and rolled her into the waiting ambulance they brought through the gate with the lie. "She is having a heart attack and we must rush her to the hospital." No phone call to notify her family, no note to her young sons with no father, no help...

A misled head-shrink doctor, misusing the 51-50 mental health law, who claimed the single, United We Stand pin on her neat gym suit was evidence she was mentally unbalanced and her patriotic act of flying the POW/MIA flag in the homeowner association sold to her as 'Mutual interest share", was a criminal act, not patriotic. Three days and nights of medics trying to inject her with mind altering drugs under the happy eyes of HOA officials advised by a CAI lawyer, Mark Hopkins, trained to hop at every call to keep the gravy train rolling...

The dazed, beaten, terrified, scarecrow of a mother, was released too frightened to enter the home that became her doorway to a mental prison people once feared by Hitler or Stalin...never in America. I held her numb hands and watched her tears splash with my own in disbelief; heard her tales of hope from nightly dreams when she saw her beloved Colonel Armstrong walking toward her smiling...the reunion she dreamed and prayed for destroyed in the country where her husband told her, "Every man's home is his castle." I flew to Washington to appeal to a shocked Ross Perot and POW/MIA reunion, why search Vietnam for missing POWS in Vietnam, when the homeowner associations of America now hold 42 million POWS? What senate legislation or member of congress will waken to save our country, save our constitution, stop discrimination, and charge the CAI with operating a housing monopoly in the most unfair business operation every investigated by the Federal Trade Commission, which it did in 1994?

If you need more evidence, visit http://ahrc.com and read 17 years of hate crimes against Arnold and Elizabeth McMahon in San Clemente, CA....Palacio Del Mar, Homeowner Association. The CC&R's never warned McMahon that her brown skin from a Malaysian birth was a violation, not acceptable in the all white HOA. They woke up in the morning to find the Spanish Villa they bought spray painted MOVE in huge black letters on every wall, door and window. Arnold entered his driveway and found his car covered with raw eggs. The years brought new tricks and new attacks financed with HOA insurance by bigot directors paying CAI lawyers. The police sneered, “The McMahon’s brought this on themselves." The District Attorney was too busy to investigate...after all, if you report hate crimes are down, you collect free grant money from Uncle Sam.

McMahon was admitted to the emergency room with chest pains. Her case is tied up in the only man-made landslide in the country. An HOA so twisted with hate they took HOA money to sue her and force her to keep water running on her landslide active lot after the soil engineer warned them that her home sat on a landslide active lot so unstable any more water could collapse it. Judge David Chaffee, chaffing under the very idea a couple expected him to honor their property rights to save their home, awarded the rogue HOA $92,000 in court fees for the fight to stop the water fed landslide. Chaffee gave us a clue to this biased ruling when he revealed, “I was president of my homeowner association because board members are brainwashed into being tyrants once they volunteer to serve as ordinary neighbors.”

Rick Happ bought a tract of beautiful land in Creek Pointe, North Carolina sold with an ironclad contract that stated he could protect his estate privacy with a gate by one of the largest, real estate agencies in the area...Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Company, who was then on the board of the homeowner association and served on the architect committee...how could Rick go wrong? He had an experienced realtor who not only knew HOA law, but also had authority to grant the gate permit as a HOA director in charge of CC&R rules.

Today, he is in court, sued by this HOA; and Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Co., who later sold a lot to another buyer, declares an HOA contract is not worth the paper it is written on because you can change the rules before the ink is dry. The state of North Carolina believes that a contract is a contract and Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Co. is guilty of a breach of contract and misrepresentation because they had the experience to know what Rich Happ did not know. All HOA contracts are a risk. Weyerhaeuser should have told him anyone buying a home in a homeowner association can lose their home, their sanity, health and life savings in a corrupt, unconstitutional, double dealing, tax discrimination, frame and blame social housing experiment operated by a monopoly mob who bribe officials to close their eyes to public trust violations with free property tax.

My fellow Americans, we have been had, by apathy, indifference and greed. Unless we take a stand now, the souls of the founding fathers shall walk without rest beside Colonel Frank Armstrong, Jim Troutman, Al Gray and all those souls in Gilbert, AZ too naive to know they walked into a death trap. The good book warns us it does a man no good to own the world if he loses his soul...but we now risk losing the greatest liberty in the world because no one will stop this run-away-monster, stealing our liberty and land...the homeowner association that steals your soul as it steals your home...for bankers, brokers, builders and the tribe chief, the CAI. They are co-sponsored by Chubb Insurance, the giant using President George Bush to sell insurance to the Chinese. Friends of a feather flock together and Chubb backs CAI because no official has been honest enough to blow the whistle...even to save America. Do you know one in your home state? I hope so.

Willow Vance, personal witness to a mass murder of American Democracy and the best friends I ever had...and if called upon to testify to this real life horror, I could do so. Phone Number (863) 291-6420.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am an investor who bought property in Gilbert AZ, after being slapped with continued HOA violations I thought that I would search the internet for clues as to what I could do about this situation. I was surprised, non the least to see the article to which I am responding. I have a wonderful tenant, Hispanic who keeps my property immaculent inside and maintains the pool independently on a monthly basis, he is never late and is paying going rate if not above rate for my rental property. I could not ask for a better tenant. However, the association is constantly finding reasons to send me violation letters. If it's not the tiny weeds in the front yard... it's an empty trash can left by the side of the house, it's his empty trailer he uses for work that he parked in the street, when he moved it to the driveway it's now a violation. It's empty, it's small, it's in the driveway when he's not using it. It's his lively hood. He's a perfect tenant unlike the others I have had and I am affraid he will move if I ask him to find another place for his trailer. I am angry this is my property it is well maintained and it's not anyones business what is parked in the driveway. The HOA may cost me months of rent and perhaps the loss of a tenant who respects my property as if it was his own.

11:18 AM  

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